Grass-fed grass-finished beef sourced direct from the Ozarks.

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Connecting regenerative Missouri ranchers to consumers.

On a mission to serve.

My mission is to connect Missouri based grass farmers and cattle ranchers directly to consumers. I want to help you and your family live healthier lives, while helping put more money in the pockets of farmers.
I personally shake hands & walk pastures with the Missouri cattle ranchers to see the primo grass lands they are raising and finishing their beef on. I have been personally changed by the carnivore diet and I'm passionate about connecting with other people living an animal based diet.

Grass-fed & grass-finished beef

Cattle are herbivores and ruminant animals - hooved animals with more than one stomach. Whether it works to get them fat for slaughter or not, grain and corn and not what cattle would choose to eat if humans were not present to provide it. The beef we source only comes from cattle raised and finished on a variety of native grasses. The animals literally convert energy from green, grassy forage into delicious, ribeye flavored multivitamins.

Bulk beef delivered to you.

We focus on delivering bulk beef to customers and families that want to fill up their freezer or deep freezer with beef all from one animal. When you order your "freezer beef" from Jake's Steaks you will receive meat products at roughly $10 per pound - way cheaper than the local grocery store or other online sources.

A bulk beef order includes several steaks (all traditional cuts), brisket, short ribs, hamburger meat (80/20), "dog bones" with marrow in, beef organs, suet, and animal fat for rendering tallow.

Creative solutions to stock one or many freezers.

More than anything, I love working with customers to help them source as much beef in bulk as makes sense.
From a group of fire fighters in Houston looking to buy in bulk, to business owners looking for creative and healthy options for their employee Christmas presents - I want to personally work with you to help you get great quality beef at the best prices.

Jake riding along with a farmer on a tour of his ranch.


$ 500.00 USD


$ 3,000.00 USD


$ 2,500.00 USD


$ 225.00 USD

Buy beef in bulk to get the best pricing and highest quality.

Whole Beef


480-500 pounds
15.7 cubic feet
of freezer space

Half Beef


240-250 pounds
8.7 cubic feet
of freezer space

Quarter Beef


120-125 pounds
‍6 cubic feet
of freezer space

Eighth Beef


60-62 pounds
4 cubic feet
of freezer space

"Being on the carnivore diet I eat a lot of ground beef & I've never bought anything this good from the local grocery chain. I'm saving up so I can buy a bigger freezer to buy even more next time!"
Mark - San Diego, CA
A herd of cows enjoying the rich pastures of the Ozarks.

Frequently Asked Questions

I know how important it is to research the food your buying, especially when its in bulk, so I want to help you understand exactly what is going on at the farms where I'm buying beef. If you ever have any questions, you can reach out to us anytime on Instagram DMs, or by texting or emailing me below.

As you ask more questions I'll continue to add to the list of FAQs.

Jake doing a pasture walk touring the grass finished beef.
What is grass-finished beef?
Is the beef organic?
How is the beef delivered?
Are these cows humanely raised?
How are you helping ranchers?

Contact me to learn more.
Schedule your delivery today.